All Posts with ‘South Island’ Tag

With every new journey, I understand more and more that, for me, the ultimate prize of any trip is that unique feeling which you experience when you discover something totally unexpected. It can be a stunning view, a moment of a great light, new never tried before activity or just a spectacular place. One of such places, which gave me that great experience, is Lake Manapouri.

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No trip to New Zealand’s South Island is complete without visiting at least one of its’ famous glaciers located on the west coast of the island. Among them is a 13 km long Fox Glacier, named after a former Prime Minister of New Zealand Sir William Fox. Descending from almost 3000m to just 300m above the sea level and ending in a rainforest, this glacier is one of the few of this kind in the world.

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Everybody sees things differently, for example, Maori people believe that these boulders are calabashes or kumaras, geologists describe it as “septarian concretions” and trying to convince us that these rocks are cemented sediments, and at the same time, the most creative minds assert that Moeraki Boulders are nothing less than petrified dinosaur or extraterrestrial eggs.

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