Archive for 07/2010

Everybody sees things differently, for example, Maori people believe that these boulders are calabashes or kumaras, geologists describe it as “septarian concretions” and trying to convince us that these rocks are cemented sediments, and at the same time, the most creative minds assert that Moeraki Boulders are nothing less than petrified dinosaur or extraterrestrial eggs.

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Mungo National Park is a special place for me, and not just because it is overwhelmingly beautiful, but also due to the fact that it was the first NSW Outback place I’ve travelled to – this was the beginning, beginning of my long never ending plan to see every corner of Australia.

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Australia is a flat continent – all mountains here are very old, worn out by millions of years of erosion and generally not famous for its height. However, this unfortunate fact is easily compensated by numerous geological gems scattered across this desert country. One of those unusual places is The Breadknife. Read more…