Once a bottom of a huge 160-kilometre long and 180-metre deep lake – Badwater Basin is now a deepest, hottest and driest place in North America.
Located in the eastern part of the Death Valley National Park, 26 kilometres south of Furnace Creek, this place is easy to find.
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Zabriski Point - a very well-known and most popular lookout in the Death Valley National Park, located in the eastern part of the park 5 kilometers south-east of Furnace Creek. Lookout is famous for its’ maze of convoluted rock formations and great views over Death Valley badlands.
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As I spent there less than a day, I don’t think I can say much about this park, but impressive nature, mountains and waterfalls pushed me to post something about this park in “places” part of the website. Also, this small and inadequate description of this great place is the first “place” outside Australia posted in this blog.
To keep format of the post, here is some formal info: Yosemite National Park famous for its’ waterfalls, deep valleys and steep mountains occupies approximately 1200 square miles in the Eastern California.
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