Archive for 08/2010

August has almost gone and it is time to think about the new look for your computer desktop. September 2010 free desktop wallpaper features The Pinnacles Desert from the Nambung National Park in Western Australia. Read more about this great location in one of my older place descriptions here: The Pinnacles Desert, Nambung National Park.

This and older wallpapers with September calendar are available for download here: Free Desktop Wallpaper Calendars.

Kea (or Nestor Notabilis) are the only real alpine parrots in the world. They live above the tree line in alpine and high country regions of New Zealand’s South Island and famous for their curiosity and intelligence.

The Kea’s strong desire to explore makes them an attraction for tourists, however their curiosity often comes with damage to bags, boots, cars and everything else they find interesting. In order to get to the food, Kea are capable of working as a group and solve simple logical puzzles – break here, pull there, steal that.

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